Movin' Legacy: A Living Archive

Movin’ Legacy celebrates the human body as a repository of knowledge and history, embodying our ancestral legacies and the wisdom of dance. Our commitment extends beyond performance to deeply engage with themes of social justice, challenging systemic inequalities through the power of artistic expression.

Our Mission

Preserving, Celebrating, and Evolving Dance Traditions

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Movin’ Legacy is dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and evolving African and African diasporic dance traditions. These practices are not only performances but are transformative experiences that offer insights into human resilience, culture, and the intricate fabric of our societies.

Our Approach

Confronting Historical Marginalization

We confront and counter the historical marginalization of African and diasporic embodied practices, which have often been undervalued under colonial and supremacist ideologies. Movin’ Legacy acknowledges the depth and sophistication of these dance forms as fundamental elements of the human experience, fostering connections with the earth, spirituality, and one another.

Our Impact

Bridging Past and Present

By exploring dance and embodiment practices as foundational to how Black people throughout Africa and its diaspora have navigated and thrived against oppression, Movin’ Legacy acts as a conduit between historical wisdom and contemporary relevance, ensuring these rich narratives are preserved and celebrated.

Why Support us?

Advocating for Embodied Knowledge

Movin’ Legacy champions the idea that embodied knowledge—felt and lived through movement—is crucial for understanding our world. By supporting us, you help preserve this rich heritage and promote a deeper appreciation of these traditions, enhancing cultural dialogue and education globally.

Movin' Legacy Leadership

Jeffrey Page

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Regina Charly-Beth

Chief Operating Officer

Zakiyah Cornish

Director of Programming

Board of Directors

Chair Debon Lewis
Vice Chair Mecca Madyun
Treasurer Imoh Akpan
Secretary LaSean Knox-Brown
Founder and CEO Jeffrey Page
Robin Gee
Dr. Patricia Carver
Dr. Jeanette Jackson
Shawn Parker
Ahmed Best
Kirsten West Savali